Welcome to the Human Population Genetics Laboratory L'Heritier Revolutionary solutions to racial discr imination problems and discover Genetic American History are likely to emerge from scientists who are working at the frontiers of their respective disciplines and are also engaged in dynamic interdisciplinary interactions. The Anthopogenetic Research Program (ARP) promote and enhance rigorous interdisciplinary research, closely linking fundamental Human Populations Genetic,Anthropology and Archaeology sciences. ARP is dedicated to use the diverse characteristics of Human Population of Santander Deparment, Colombia, to understand genetic population processes that conduct science and technology research required to enable humans to safely and effectively live in the world, transfer knowledge and appreciations for human benefits.All ARP research programs are implemented through competitive selection processes, which may include intramural (open only to Anthropogenetic Laboratory L'Heritier ) and extramural (open to all researchers) research opportunities. The ARP is a research program to identify and characterize human genetic polymorphisms associated with human population living in Santander,and to identify genetic contribution of Amerindians, Spanich Colonist and Immigrants of recent time.Anthropogenetics researchers support these goals by developing an understanding the underlying human genetic populations mechanisms that are responsible for mixted populations and racial discrimination changes in societies during XX century.The ARP adds to basic anthropogenetic knowledge to American History and it supports the genetic evidence-based necessary for the solution of consanguinity problems in human society. The ability of ARP to provide applied solutions to genetics and racial discrimination problems in America has been and will continue to be a major goal of this Program. We presenting you our research project "Contribution to the Anthropogenetics Study of Human Population of Santandar, Colombia. The Origin and Actual State of Genetic Polimorphisms " We worked in this area of ARP for two years because people of Santander Deparment, municipality of Oiba, Socorro, Velez, Palmas del Socorro and Barichara, lost their identity of "Santandereanos" and racial discrimination is begining to appear. We present our project it seems highly vital and of the utmost importance for Colombia, particularly for Santander deparment, our limited human and financial resources do not allow us to solve all the urgent problems which affect the region. These human and financial difficulties have forced us to focus our work in the Andean Region , and in very specific programmatic areas.The nature of our proposal specifically is to establish one Institute of Anthropogenetics Research and other program directions of ARP for biotechnological studies of Cloning, Genomics and Genetic Ingineering.At present the Anthropogenetic Research Group(ARG) is conformed by Federico Villalobos (Biologist), Clara Ines Blanco de Galvis (Humanist), German Rojas (Odontologist), Emilio Arenas, Emilio Arenas, Gonzalo Serpa, and Roberto Serpa (MD).The ARP has linked scientists of many areas as David Sweet, PhD, Gwenael Piganeau, Ph.D. Sthepen Oppenheimer,Ph.D,Terry Watnick, Ph.D., Peter Goss, Ph.D., Witt Campbell, Ph.D, Marcia Spetch, Ph.D., Tom Zentall, Ph.D., Todd Disotell, Ph.D., Sarah P. Otto, Ph.D., Tania de Azevedi Weimer, Ph.D., Marjoirew Brooks Lovvorn, McS., Monica Acuņa, Ph.D. and Paolo Francalacci, Ph.D. The ARP has one undergraduate Anthropo logist, Catalina De Hart Pinto who was works in the research project in the seccion Amerindians Human Remains of the colecctions of Museum of Santander, in Santander, Colombia. The ARP has scientific support of Lucca Cavalli-Sforza, PhD. and Richard Lewontin, Ph.D., who have been working in humam populations genetics for many years. Human Population Genetics Laboratory Floridablanca, Santander Colombia SA olaverde@intercable.net.co |
Comments and question to Federico Villalobos |